China Unicom Global Limited (hereinafter referred to as "CUG") believes that
corruption severely damages fair market competition and threatens the development of our society,
economy and the enterprises concerned.
CUG upholds the principles of conducting business with integrity, maintaining a
sense of business ethics, and complying with all applicable laws and regulations in all countries
jurisdictions in which it operates. CUG applies a "zero-tolerance” approach towards corruption.
CUG has taken active and effective measures to establish a managerial system to
and identify corruption. CUG prohibits any of its employees, or any entity or individual acting on
behalf, from directly or indirectly providing, offering, promising, or authorizing any bribes to any
public official, or other entity or individual, in order to improperly influence a government action
business decision, or to obtain or retain any business or illegitimate competitive advantage.
If any supplier, agent, consultant or other business partner (hereinafter referred
as "Partner") engages in the same to a CUG’s employee, the CUG’s employee must immediately reject
bribes and report the issue to the company proactively.
CUG requires all Partners, through contractual covenants and the relevant
procedures and processes, to comply with CUG's anti-corruption policies, and to control their
conduct accordingly.
This statement applies to China Unicom Global Limited and all of its directly or
indirectly controlled subsidiaries and affiliates worldwide.