Leverage the SDN technology to access the network with the Internet, and automatically configure the terminal router to realize rapid delivery. SD-WAN can be built on any network such as dedicated lines, mobile networks and Internet etc., the central controller manages all terminal routers for centralized configuration and monitoring.
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Recommend Products
Access within China (10M)
Plug and play devices
10Mbps bandwidth access within China
Compatible with various communication networks
Quick fault handling with end-to-end monitoring
Access within China (100M)
Plug and play devices
Plug and play devices
100Mbps bandwidth access within China Compatible with various communication networks
Quick fault handling with end-to-end monitoring
International Access (20M)
Plug and play devices
20Mbps bandwidth international access
Compatible with various communication networks
Quick fault handling with end-to-end monitoring
Why choose China Unicom's SD-WAN?
Provide licensed cross-border networking services and capabilities to respond to customers' demand of cross-border networking
Provide globally distributed MPLS-VPN networks and transmission networks for end-to-end networking solutions
Cloud networking and multi-cloud interconnection platforms have been established at home and abroad, with interconnection with a number of mainstream cloud providers completed, and our SD-WAN solutions can help customers quickly realize migration to the cloud through the cloud networking and multi-cloud interconnection platforms.
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China DIA及 Global DIA 可在中国境内外,以自有网络平台为您提供专属IP地址,以独享带寛优质访问全球互联网内容。同时,我们也可为您提供端到端数据线路、网络规划设计、引接工程实施、售后支撑等。

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